Product Intro
DL Methionine is white flake crystal or crystalline powder. It has a special smell. It tastes slightly sweet. It is stable to heat and air. It is unstable to strong acid, which can lead to demethylation. It is soluble in water (3.3g/100ml, 25 ℃), dilute acid and dilute reducing solution. It is extremely insoluble in ethanol and almost insoluble in ether.
DL Methionine is one of the essential amino acids for human body. Lack of DL Methionine will cause liver and kidney disorders. It is especially important to protect liver function. It can promote the growth of hair and nails, detoxify and enhance muscle activity.
DL Methionine can be used as a nutritional supplement. It has the same physiological effect as L-type methionine, but the price is low (L-type is made from DL type), so DL Methionine is generally used. Improve amino acid balance in plant foods such as oat, rye, rice, corn, wheat, peanut powder, soybean, potato and spinach.
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